Fees & Policies

Fee Payment Policy

All families will be required to sign an enrollment contract at initial enrollment and at any re-enrollments.  A $75.00 registration fee and a $37.50 annual registration fee will be charged.  If a family has more than one child a $125 registration fee will be charged.  The registration fee includes two key fobs.  Additional key fobs are available for $20.  The registration fee, deposit and key fobs are non-refundable.

Families are required to pay for all regularly scheduled days regardless of illness, vacation, or holiday closings.  Tuitions are due in advance or on the first day of the week the child attends.  Payments may be made by cash, check, charge or ACH withdrawal.  A fee of $10 will be assessed for late payments.  A $30 fee will be assessed for returned checks.

Tuition rates are determined by the number of days per week a child is scheduled to attend.  Children must be enrolled for a minimum of two days per week.  Families with two or more children enrolled will be give a 15% discount for the least expensive child(ren).

Rate Chart

Health Policy

Upon arrival at Willow Creek, each child will be observed by a staff person for symptoms of illness.  If a child seems to ill to participate in the daily activities of the classroom the parent will be asked to take the child home.  Parents are required to keep their child home or pick their child up if any one of the following symptoms is exhibited: fever of 100.4 or above, skin eruptions or rash, continuous coughing or sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drainage from nose or eyes, or any other symptoms which might indicate a contagious illness.

The best way to keep contagious illnesses from the school is to abide by our 24 hour policy.  Children must be 24 hours free from symptoms before returning to school.  If a child is sent home because of a fever, they must be fever free without fever-reducing medication for 24 hours before returning to school.